2024-12-26 December Adventure 2024: Day 26

December Adventure 2024: Day 26

MyCmd Project

I pushed a small commit that added some placeholder Markdown documentation files in the docs directory.

MyCmd Project Task Runner

Currently, I define tasks for MyCmd’s project task runner in a single file named myproject. Currently, the myproject file for MyCmd is over 1,000 lines. I feel like this is getting a little unwieldy. Because of that, I have considered a different approach. Today, I made the following notes on this:

  1. Throw out the single myproject file.
  2. Create a myproject or .myproject directory in the project root.
  3. Tasks are defined in one or more files in the myproject directory, where myproject/main is the only file required.
  4. By convention, project-wide constants and fileset definitions are in the myproject/main file.
  5. All definitions in myproject/main are implicitly shared across the other files in the myproject directory.
  6. When tasks are defined outside of myproject/main, they are referenced first by their file name and then the task. For example, if the task source-files is defined in myproject/count, it would be executed by mycmd project run count source-files.
  7. Tasks defined in myproject/main are just referenced by their name alone. For example, the all task in myproject/main is executed by mycmd project run all.
  8. A default task can be registered for the entire project, and can be executed by simply calling mycmd project run with no task name.
  9. A default task can be registered for each file in the myproject directory; these can be executed by simply using the file name they are in. So if the task all-source-lines is registered as the default task in the myproject/count file, it can be executed just by doing mycmd project run count.

Given these ideas, I decided to do an experiment. I took the current myproject file for MyCmd and split it up into separate files. I have put this experiment in this gist. If I compare the number of non-blank and non-comment lines between the original myproject file and this set of files, there are currently just a dozen or so more lines in the split definition. The largest file, snapshot has just over 300 non-blank lines. That’s a lot easier to manage.

In this experiment, I divided the current myproject up into the following files, all of which would be in a myproject directory in the MyCmd project root:

The following table shows the existing task name and the new name that it would have in the new structure:

Current Task Name New Task Name
all all
benchmark-help benchmark help
benchmark-list-project-tasks benchmark list-project-tasks
benchmark-mycmd benchmark mycmd
catalog-mycmd-lib-function-call-tree functions catalog-mycmd-lib-function-call-tree
catalog-mycmd-lib-function-callers functions catalog-mycmd-lib-function-callers
clean-up clean-up
count-all-source-lines count all-source-lines
count-implementation-source-lines count implementation-source-lines
count-mycmd-lib-source-lines count mycmd-lib-source-lines
count-test-source-lines count test-source-lines
create-flamegraph-from-shell-trace profile create-flamegraph-from-shell-trace
create-local-snapshot snapshot create-local
execute-all-tests test execute-all
execute-single-file-tests test execute-single-file
format format
git-quick-stats git-quick-stats
index-mycmd-lib functions index-mycmd-lib
lint lint
list-all-files list all-files
list-development-snapshots snapshot list-development
list-implementation-files list implementation-files
list-local-snapshots snapshot list-local
list-mycmd-lib-files list mycmd-lib-files
list-mycmd-lib-functions functions list-mycmd-lib-functions
list-mycmd-lib-functions-with-source-file functions list-mycmd-lib-functions-with-source-file
list-test-files list test-files
mycmd-devel devel mycmd
page-last-test-log test page-last-log
promote-latest-local-snapshot-to-development snapshot promote-latest-local-to-development
promote-local-snapshot-to-development snapshot promote-local-to-development
query-call-hierarchy functions query-call-hierarchy
remove-test-logs test remove-logs
rollback-snapshot-worktree-to-last-used-snapshot snapshot rollback-snapshot-worktree-to-last-used
rollback-snapshot-worktree-to-previous-snapshot-in-sequence snapshot rollback-snapshot-worktree-to-previous-in-sequence
test-command-directly devel test-command
update-ansi vendor update-ansi
update-bashup-events vendor update-bashup-events
update-shunit2 vendor update-shunit2
update-snapshot-worktree-to-latest-development-snapshot snapshot update-snapshot-worktree-to-latest-development
update-snapshot-worktree-to-latest-local-snapshot snapshot update-snapshot-worktree-to-latest-local
update-snapshot-worktree-to-snapshot snapshot update-snapshot-worktree-to-snapshot

Note that the project task runner will eventually have command line completion, so even if some of the names are long, completion will make that simpler. Also, the most common tasks can be registered as default tasks for their file, so for example test execute-all would be the default for test, and so I could run this with mycmd project run test.

This feels like a potential path forward. I still have some major ideas to work through before I move forward.

All of my December Adventure 2024 posts will be linked from here.