2024-12-12 December Adventure 2024: Day 12

December Adventure 2024: Day 12

Git Fun

I had an old git repository that I used to use to track my dotfiles. I wanted to see what files were present at any commit during the entire history of the repository. With help from this StackOverflow answer, I came up with the following:

git rev-list --all | xargs -L 1 -I % git diff-tree --no-commit-id --name-only % -r | sort -u

In parts:

I love the power of the command line.

MyCmd Registry Implementation

I continued to work on the implementation of the MyCmd Registry. I pushed a small commit, commit d638ab4128179ee91a68dadea471297f920c8f6a with some small renames. I have a pretty good idea of where I need to go and the changes I need to make. It was a low-energy day, so I didn’t make much progress. However, the changes in progress are basically rewriting the two largest files in my current branch, and so it will be a bit of work.

All of my December Adventure 2024 posts will be linked from here.